
Achieve instant results safely with a gentle GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling treatment. At Imaan’s Studio, we provide the highly successful GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling Treatment to help London residents achieve healthy and clear skin.

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With a track record of achieving outstanding results for clients all over the world, GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling Treatment was created by Dr Christine Schrammek more than 60 years ago. Dr Schrammek invented this herbal peel to help people struggling with various skin conditions achieve clear, even and brighter skin safely. For this purpose, Dr Schrammek combined a selection of eight natural herbs containing the necessary enzymes, minerals and vitamins to transform your skin naturally.

The original treatment was an instant success, helping millions achieve their dream skin worldwide. Dr Schrammek’s legacy was later picked up by her daughter, the dermatologist Dr Christine Schrammek-Drusio, who then perfected the formula and adapted it to leverage modern skincare technology. Today, Green Peels are used by aestheticians and doctors all over the world and are offered exclusively in certified practices like our London skin clinic.

Green Peel® Herbal Peel is a versatile and customisable one-hour facial. However, there are three main types you should know about.

Green Peel Fresh Up Facial

$195.00 +HST

Green Peel Fresh Up is the gentlest of the three treatment methods. The skin is stimulated and refreshed – completely without peeling. The natural herbs help to stimulate circulation, as pores open and the skin can optimally absorb ingredients.

Green Peel Fresh Up lets the skin radiate with new freshness. Cells are vitalised and skin quality is sustainably improved—the perfect treatment for tired appearing skin. The Fresh Up is not only well suited for the face, but it can also be applied to other areas that are exposed to the sun such as hands, arms and neck. It is also perfect against premature skin aging and loss of elasticity – even or especially when the skin does not show any visible signs of aging yet.

The Green Peel Fresh Up is ideal for:

Tired appearing skin
First signs of skin aging
Pale complexion
Treating hands and cleavage

Greenpeel freshup
Green Peel Classic

Green Peel Energy Facial

$275.00 +HST

Green Peel Energy provides the skin with noticeably new energy. The treatment stimulates blood circulation and cell metabolism, leading to a natural improvement of the skin texture without peeling effect. Energy provides the skin with the natural energy it needs to renew the cells. It helps to reduce the age-related skin appearances as well as impurities, scarring and pigment disorders. Skin appearance is visibly improved – perfect as an intensive treatment several times a year.

Green Peel Body Energy is the perfect treatment for a body silhouette. It firms the tissue and promotes the detoxification of the skin, for a visible improvement of skin tension.

The Green Peel Energy is ideal for:

Pigment disorders
Uneven skin and scars
The Green Peel Body Energy is ideal for:

Stretch marks
Loss of elasticity

Green Peel Classic Facial

$375.00 +HST

The Original Green Peel Classic is a natural treatment method for skin renewal.

As a problem solver, Green Peel Classic is known worldwide to provide people with skin problems, such as impure and scarred skin, with a beautiful and healthy skin appearance within only five days.

The extensive herbal knowledge, 60 years of long-term experience as well as millions of satisfied customers, make Green Peel Classic one of the most successful natural treatment methods worldwide.

The Green Peel Classic is ideal for:

Large-pored seborrheic skin
Impure skin, sebum cysts
Sun-damaged skin
Wrinkles (as anti-aging prophylaxes)
Stretch marks (striae)
Skin prone to premature formation of wrinkles with sagging face contours
Sagging body skin (abdominal wall, upper arms, thighs)
Some forms of hyperpigmentation

Green Peel Classic

Your Green Peel questions answered

Who is a suitable candidate for this treatment?

Almost anyone wishing for a brighter, more even and revitalised complexion can benefit from a Green Peel, including people with sensitive skin. This treatment can also be customised to cater for individual skin conditions and personal goals.

What’s the difference between a green peel and a chemical peel?

Unlike chemical peels, Green Peel® Herbal Peel uses medically developed ingredients derived from natural botanical elements, making it a powerful yet safer and gentler alternative.

Are natural peels effective?

Yes! A resurfacing treatment doesn’t need (and shouldn’t be!) harsh on the skin to achieve the desired results. A single Green Peel treatment yields results comparable to a larger number of sessions of other more aggressive treatments, with fewer side effects. Compared to conventional peeling methods, Green Peel® Herbal Peel achieves superb results.

Can Green Peels offer deep peels?

It depends on what you mean with “deep peel.” A resurfacing treatment shouldn’t aggravate your skin to the point it falls off in chunks. This is not a sustainable nor healthy way to achieve glowing skin. A Green Peel® Herbal Peel does a great job at helping your skin regenerate, without irritation and inflammation.

Do Green Peels have any downtime?

There’s no downtime to this treatment, with skin feeling slightly tight and presenting mild redness. This is completely normal and usually resolves by itself within the first hours. Clients can return to their routine immediately after their appointment; however, they should pay extra attention and comply with the aftercare guidelines provided by their Imaan’s clinician.

Can they help with skin texture?

Absolutely! Green Peel® Herbal Peel is excellent for retexturizing the skin and can successfully address textural irregularities like superficial scarring, bumpiness and roughness.

Can Green Peels aid in facial rejuvenation?

One of the most distinctive signs of age is the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Green Peels can help you achieve a brighter, more even complexion resulting in a youthful glow.

Which Green Peel should I choose?

When it comes to good skin, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. As a team of dedicated dermal clinicians, we evaluate and recommend treatments on a case by case basis, taking into consideration your goals, needs and preferences.